Yizheng Brand Video 一正品牌视频 is a collaboration between United Design Practice, Seenvision (Beijing) and Tze Toh (Singapore). We were elated to win 3 awards at Vega Digital Awards. Canopus Prize, the highest award, is only awarded to 6% of all submitted entries. In total, we were recognised for our efforts for Animation, Writing/Story and Directing categories.
近日,Vega Digital Awards 公布获奖信息,仅6%的参赛者/机构获得最高奖项 ( Canopus Winner )。United Design Practice X SeenVision 荣幸获得剧情、动画、导演三个竞赛类别的相关奖项。
Animation - Canopus Winner
Writing / Story - Centauri Winner
Directing - Arcturus Winner

Yizheng Stationery is a market leader in children's eraser in China. This video, though grounded in this category, is not to be mistaken for an advert targeting kids. This was meant to be part of a B2B communications brand building framework.
一正文具是中国儿童橡皮品类的市场领导者,这支视频虽然是在说孩子和橡皮的故事,但它不是要给小孩子讲故事。它是一个整体 B2B 品牌策划框架的一部份。
Our Approach / 我们的出发点
We left the logo largely untouched, but our aim is to bring the brand to life, make it relevant to both their partners and consumers eventually. Corporate brand videos targeted at business partners traditionally focus more on their manufacturing prowess and production capabilities. This type of execution puts viewers to sleep, and is ineffective in communicating brand prowess. When everyone does the same thing it no longer convincing. We decided to use an eraser's journey, to develop a double parallel narrative. One that is the eraser's and also that of the child's. A story of mutual growth and companionship. And unobstrusively, we tell of the R&D and production process, til it reaches the hands of the end user and the emotional connection that is made.
这次的品牌重塑中,并没有调整现有的logo。 秉持着够用就好,精力放在刀刃上的理念,我们努力赋予它生命、故事、情感、温度。一般类似的企业宣传视频都会着重阐述产能,品质管控,研发能力等。但这种自吹自擂的内容很无聊,也没什么说服力。所以我们决定从一个橡皮擦的旅程,讲述两个平行的故事线,一个是橡皮擦本身,一个是小孩的陪伴,小小的成长和突破。巧妙带到工厂生产力的部分,再顺着牵到和最终用户的情感联系。
Our Concept / 我们的概念
From our childhood, we all have good and bad memories. But as we grow older, the bad ones tend to fade, leaving the good ones. This is the empowering message that we wish to leave with parents. Everything has two sides to it. If we manage to overcome the short term difficulty, the reward is often life long. Once we overcome the unfamilarity of making friends, the friendship could last a lifetime. From this concept, we developed five posters, one of which this video is an elaboration of.
每个人儿时记忆的里,都些有好的和不好的回忆。但很奇妙,我们都会慢慢把不好的擦掉,留下美好的回忆。我们希望父母能将这些正面的经历告诉孩子,让孩子们可以不用担心,勇敢的面对。事情都有两面,克服了眼前的困难,往往获得都是一辈子的。克服了陌生,才可能获得陪伴自己后半生的友情。所以就有了 “擦得掉/擦不去” 这个概念。就好像一正的橡皮擦,它已不只是一种功能的满足,更多是一种情感的共鸣。我们为此创造了不同的 “擦不掉/擦得去” 的海报,视频也围绕这个主题进行展开。

Animation Artwork / 视频美术
In terms of tone and manner, we don't want something too polished that distracts. Instead, single line drawings were intended to draw the viewer into the minds of children, their fascination, their trepidation, their rich inner landscapes. And throughout all this, the eraser is more than an eraser, it is a companion on this amazing journey.

Storyboard / 分镜脚本

And the characters are based on / 角色蓝本

Our Team / 合作团队
Client: Yizheng Stationery, www.yzstationery.com
Overall Concept, Interior, Graphic Design: United Design Practice (Beijing), www.uniteddesignpractice.com
Animation & Illustration: Seenvision (Beijing), www.seenvision.net
Music Composition: Tze Toh (Singapore), www.tzetoh.org