The media and creative industry is one of the key industries to be developed in China. By year 2012, the projected investment into the industry in Beijing totaled 10 billion dollars. In response to this vision, 3C Park is developed as part of the CBD Media Corridor stretching from CBD to Guan Zhuang.
Slated as the third phase of the development, the project is envisioned to urbanize the area currently occupied by rural villages at the peripheral of the Beijing City.
文化创意产业是国家重点扶持产业之一,在2012年,北京市统筹政府资金100亿人民币支持文化创新和重大文化项目。在此背景下,3C PARK项目开始实施,成为由北京CBD至管庄间形成的传媒产业走廊的一部分。
作为3C Park 传媒创意产业园的第三期,本项目的目标在于催化所在地区 北京外围农村的现状,转变为北京重要产业集群区。

Majority of the end-users being media startups and creative offices, growth and sustainability becomes an important issue in their business. The aim of the design is to integrate a park-like setting into the environment, infusing greenery at different junctures whilst creating multiple user experiences to cater for the flexibility, innovative and organic spaces as required by the end user.

The project is sited on an elongated plot of land. With building height restrictions and plot ratio constraints, we started off by building the site to the maximum of 24metres. By utilizing 2 different building block typologies, the mega-block is sculpted and carved to have an internal thoroughfare as well as external views to the street. A half sunken basement was created to increase the building density as well as to act as an amenities zone to provide for the end-users needs. Finally, a bridge that is raised to a +1.8m height cuts across the length of the site and links the different blocks together.
项目位于一块细长的地块。在遵守建筑规划高度及容积率的条件下,我们将建筑的最高设定在24米。通过两种不同类型的楼体组合。规划策略经过大体形态的雕琢,形成一条连通建筑群内部的东西向大道。建筑形态的雕塑的根基在于保证整体的通透性和对于南北两侧的视觉联系。 其二,我们设定的半地下空间增加了可使用面积,也增添了市民的配套设施所用。最终,我们在建筑群中架起了一条距地1.8m的空中走廊, 直接将各个单元连接在一起。

The strategy allows for 2 ground levels to be created. Both levels allow entry into the individual building blocks. Courtyards and plazas are thus formed by the juxtaposition of the 2 levels, allowing visual connection and natural ventilation into the basement.
这空间策略形成了双首层概念。 双首层都可以直达个别楼宇。 庭院与广场得以形成平行及纵向错层的关系,使两层间可视性更为连贯,且造就了地下空间的自然通风及采光。

The building floor plates are based on a systematic 9mx9m square structural grid for ease of construction. The two building types offer varied floor area sizes from 150sqm to 500sqm to cater for different usage. An independent circulation core is located at the centre of the building, allowing tenants to have the flexibility of taking up half a floor space to the entire building. A Whilst maintaining the integrity of the structure, balconies are naturally created with the rotation of each floor plate. Together with the accessible roof, the balconies are part of the strategies to infuse greenery into the building.

Together with 3C Park II, 3C Park III aims to rejuvenate the street into a creative media park. Besides the infusion of investments and offices into the area, it also hopes to provide a civic space for the neighbouring residents.
与3C Park 二期 一样,3C Park 三期望可以将所区域的整条街道转变为创意传媒产业集群。除了为该区域注入投资机会与办公空间,3C Park产业集群还希望可以成为周边居民乐于前往的公共活动空间。